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NetBSD, Kerberos & AFS:
From Zero to Distributed Filesystem in N Easy Steps
Tracy Di Marco White
Thomas L. Kula
AFS & Kerberos Best Practices Workshop 2005
Version 2006020700
- Using NetBSD as client and server systems
- Using Heimdal as a KDC
- Using OpenAFS to provide AFS service
- Using Arla to provide AFS clients
Why both OpenAFS and Arla?
- Arla provides a functioning AFS client for NetBSD systems,
but some of the functions of bos, vos, etc,
are not implemented, and the server milko is really
only experimental.
- OpenAFS provides all the functions of bos, vos,
etc. and all of the servers, but does not have a functioning
client for NetBSD.
- A small yet full-featured core operating system
- Emphasis on clean code and correct design
Why NetBSD
- 48 stable ports for the current release, in 17 CPU architectures,
from a single code tree available via snapshots or anonymous CVS
- Over 5400 third-party applications in the Packages Collection
Why Heimdal?
- It is included in the NetBSD base install
- It is also included in the pkgsrc system
- Can also emulate enough of a kaserver to provide
authentication to clients that require that
- Included ktutil can convert between v5 keytabs and
AFS KeyFiles
Prepping NetBSD
- Install the NetBSD kernel source, needed during Arla compilation
- Install NetBSD pkgsrc, needed to create the OpenAFS package
Prepping NetBSD
- As both Kerberos and AFS require close time synchronization between clients
and servers, you will want to configure NTP
- It is recommended that you set both ntpdate=YES and
ntpd=YES in /etc/rc.conf, since if your date
is way off, ntpd will give up and not sync it.
Configuring Heimdal as your KDC
- If you already have a KDC, you can use that, as long as you can
add various principals to it and extract keys from it
Configuring Heimdal as your KDC
The entire authentication system depends on the trustability of the KDC(s),
so anyone who can compromise system security on a KDC system can
theoretically compromise the authentication of all users of systems
depending on the KDC. Again, no amount of cleverness in the design of
the Kerberos system can take the place of solid system administration
practices employed in managing the Kerberos KDC(s).
Configuring Heimdal as your KDC
Set up DNS SRV Records
- Doing this allows clients to talk to your KDC without having to have
a local krb5.conf file
- draft-ietf-krb-wg-krb-dns-locate
- RFC 2782
Configuring Heimdal as your KDC
Set up DNS SRV Records
_kerberos._udp IN SRV 0 0 88
_kerberos._udp IN SRV 1 0 88
_kerberos._tcp IN SRV 0 0 88
_kerberos._tcp IN SRV 1 0 88
_kpasswd._udp IN SRV 0 0 464
_kerberos-adm._tcp IN SRV 0 0 749
_kerberos IN TXT "EXAMPLE.COM"
Configuring Heimdal as your KDC
Configuring /etc/krb5.conf
- NetBSD's default installed kerberos is disabled unless /etc/krb5.conf exists
- If you do not have DNS SRV records you will have to configure /etc/krb5.conf
Configuring Heimdal as your KDC
Configuring /etc/krb5.conf
default_realm = EXAMPLE.COM
afs-use-524 = no
afslog = yes
kdc =
kdc =
admin_server =
kpasswd_server =
Configuring Heimdal as your KDC
Create Master Key
- Used to encrypt the keys in the database
- Do not have to remember this password, stashed in
- kstash
Configuring Heimdal as your KDC
Initialize database
kadmin -l
kadmin> init EXAMPLE.COM
Realm max ticket life [unlimited]:
Realm max renewable ticket life [unlimited]:
Configuring Heimdal as your KDC
Create KDC host principal
kadmin -l
kadmin> add --random-key host/
Realm max ticket life [unlimited]:
Realm max renewable ticket life [unlimited]:
Attributes []:
kadmin> ext_keytab host/
Configuring Heimdal as your KDC
Add user principals
- Add alice (for normal use)
- Add alice/admin (for Kerberos administrative tasks)
- Add alice/afs (for AFS administrative tasks)
Configuring Heimdal as your KDC
Add user principals
kadmin -l
kadmin> add alice
Max ticket life [1 day]:
Max renewable life [1 week]:
Attributes []:
Verifying password - Password:
- Also add alice/admin and alice/afs
Configuring Heimdal as your KDC
Starting KDC at startup
- To /etc/rc.conf add the line kdc=YES
- To immediately start kdc, run /etc/rc.d/kdc start
Configuring Heimdal as your KDC
Running kadmind and kpasswd
- Edit /etc/inetd.conf and uncomment the following lines
kerberos-adm stream tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/kadmind kadmind
kpasswdd dgram udp wait root /usr/libexec/kpasswdd kpasswdd
- Restart inetd: /etc/rc.d/inetd restart
Configuring Heimdal as your KDC
Setting administrative ACL
- Edit /var/heimdal/kadmind.acl
alice/admin@EXAMPLE.COM all
Configuring Heimdal as your KDC
Making keytabs for other machines
- kadmin -p alice/admin
kadmin> add --random-key host/
kadmin> ext_keytab -k /tmp/krb5.keytab-hostname host/
- Copy /tmp/krb5.keytab-hostname to /etc/krb5.keytab
on remote machine
- Should be owned by root:wheel and mode 700
Configuring Heimdal as your KDC
Making afs principal and KeyFile
- kadmin -p alice/admin
kadmin> add --random-key afs/
kadmin> ext_keytab -k /tmp/afsv5key afs/
- Create the file /usr/afs/etc/ThisCell and put in it one line:
- ktutil copy /tmp/afsv5key AFSKEYFILE:/tmp/KeyFile
- This is used by all AFS servers to authenticate themselves
Installing OpenAFS
- cd /usr/pkgsrc/net/openafs
- make && make package
- You can copy the binary package in /usr/pkgsrc/packages/All
to other machines and install by doing pkg_add openafs,
as long as the destination machines have the same architecture
and OS version as the build machine
Installing the initial AFS database server
- Install OpenAFS (lets pretend the machine is called
- Copy KeyFile created above to /usr/pkg/etc/openafs/server/KeyFile
- Copy over /etc/krb5.conf file
- Create and install a keytab containing host/ on this
Installing the initial AFS database server
- Configure ntp and ntpdate and set them to start automatically on boot
- Make the file /usr/afs/etc/ThisCell contain the line
Installing the initial AFS database server
Starting Basic OverSeer Server
- The bosserver is the process that oversees all other AFS server processes
- /usr/pkg/sbin/bosserver -noauth
- Note: this starts bosserver with no authentication at all,
which is necessary since the protection database doesn't know about
anyone at all
Installing the initial AFS database server
Setting cell name
- /usr/pkg/bin/bos setcellname -noauth
Installing the initial AFS database server
Create database processes
- /usr/pkg/bin/bos create buserver simple
/usr/pkg/libexec/openafs/buserver -noauth
- /usr/pkg/bin/bos create ptserver simple
/usr/pkg/libexec/openafs/ptserver -noauth
- /usr/pkg/bin/bos create vlserver simple
/usr/pkg/libexec/openafs/vlserver -noauth
Installing the initial AFS database server
Create initial pts entries
- /usr/pkg/bin/pts createuser -name alice -cell
-id somenumber -noauth
- /usr/pkg/bin/pts createuser -name alice.afs -cell
-id anothernumber -noauth
- You can leave out -id somenumber and -id anothernumber
if you don't care what the user's pts id number is
Installing the initial AFS database server
Adding afs principals to the system:administrators list
- /usr/pkg/bin/pts adduser alice.afs system:administrators
-cell -noauth
- Note: Even though you created the v5 principal alice/afs
and will be using only v5 kerberos tickets to get tokens, the afs
side still knows this user as alice.afs
Installng the initial AFS database server
Create SUsers
- Each AFS server has a list of users who can perform privileged operations on it
- /usr/pkg/bin/bos adduser alice.afs
-cell -noauth
Installing the inital AFS database server
Restart bosserver with authentication
- /usr/pkg/bin/bos shutdown -noauth
- ps ax | grep bosserver
- kill -HUP pid-of-bosserver
- /usr/pkg/sbin/bosserver
Installing the initial AFS database server
Automatically starting bosserver
- cp /usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d/bosserver /etc/rc.d/bosserver
- chmod 555 /etc/rc.d/bosserver
- Add bosserver=YES to /etc/rc.conf
Installing the initial AFS file server
- The initial file server can be on the same machine as the initial database server
Installing the initial AFS file server
Preliminary Setup
- For the sake of discussion, we are going to set up as
our first AFS file server
- If your first AFS file server is on your initial database server, you can
skip all of the preliminary setup steps
Installing the initial AFS file server
Preliminary Setup
- Install OpenAFS
- Copy same KeyFile used on afs-1 to
- Copy over /etc/krb5.conf
- Configure and set ntp and ntpdate to start automatically on boot
Installing the initial AFS file server
Preliminary Setup
- Create and install a keytab containing host/ on this
- Copy CellServDB and ThisCell from /usr/pkg/etc/openafs/server on to the same location on this machine
Installing the initial AFS file server
Preliminary Setup
- Make the file /usr/afs/etc/ThisCell contain the line
- Configure bosserver to start automatically on boot, and start it
Installing the initial AFS file server
Create file server processes
- You will need to have at least one partition to store afs files in. These
partitions must be mounted at / and be called /vicepa through
/vicepzz (although you can only have up to 255 partitions)
Installing the initial AFS file server
Create file server processes
- /usr/pkg/bin/bos create fs fs
-cell -localauth
Installing the initial AFS file server
Create root.afs
- The volume root.afs represents what is in /afs
- /usr/pkg/sbin/vos create /vicepa
root.afs -localauth
Installing the initial AFS file server
Create root.cell
- The volume root.cell represents what is in the top
level of your cell (i.e. /afs/ in this
- /usr/pkg/sbin/vos create /vicepa
root.cell -localauth
Installing the Arla client
- Currently, the arla client in NetBSD pkgsrc is a little old
- And since the arla client is very dependent on which kernel
you are running, you want to build it on each machine
you have
Installing the Arla client
Compiling Arla
- Download arla-0.39 from the Arla Project Homepage:
Installing the Arla client
Compiling Arla
- ./configure -prefix=/usr/local
-with-krb5-lib=/usr/lib -with-krb5-include=/usr/include/krb5
- make && make install
Installing the Arla Client
Configuring Arla
- Add the lines in your database server's CellServDB file into
- Make /usr/local/etc/ThisCell read
- Change items in /usr/local/etc/arla.conf as you see fit
Installing the Arla Client
Configuring LKM
- Arla uses a Loadable Kernel Module to provide the interface between
the arla client and the kernel
- Add the following on one line to your /etc/lkm.conf:
/usr/local/bin/nnpfs_mod.o - nnpfs_mod
/usr/local/sbin/nnpfs_makedev /var/db/nnpfs_sym
Installing the Arla client
# PROVIDE: arlad
# REQUIRE: beforemountlkm
. /etc/rc.subr
command_args="-z /dev/nnpfs0"
start_precmd="/usr/local/sbin/mount_nnpfs /dev/nnpfs0 /afs"
stop_postcmd="/sbin/umount /afs"
load_rc_config $name
run_rc_command "$1"
- Install this
as /etc/rc.d/arlad
- chmod 555 /etc/rc.d/arlad
Installing the Arla Client
Configuring LKM
- In /etc/rc.conf add the lines lkm=YES and arlad=YES
- If your /usr directory is on a separate partition, add the
following to /etc/rc.conf:
critical_filesytems_local="/var /usr"
Installing the Arla client
- mknod /dev/nnpfs0 c 165 0
- mkdir /afs
- Restart
Configuring the top-level of AFS
Set permissions for /afs
- Get alice/afs tickets/tokens (kinit alice/afs)
- /usr/pkg/bin/fs setacl /afs system:administrators rlidwka
- /usr/pkg/bin/fs setacl /afs system:anyuser rl
Configuring the top-level of AFS
Create mountpoint for root.cell
- /usr/pkg/bin/fs mkmount /afs/ root.cell
- /usr/pkg/bin/fs setacl /afs/ system:administrators rlidwka
- /usr/pkg/bin/fs setacl /afs/ system:anyuser rl
Configuring the top-level of AFS
Create mountpoint for root.cell
- You can create read-only copies of volumes in AFS, and replicate them
on different afs file servers
- By default, AFS will chose a read-only version of a volume, so if you need
to make changes to a replicated volume, you need some way of getting to
the read-write version of the volume
Configuring the top-level of AFS
Create mountpoints for root.cell
- /usr/pkg/bin/fs mkmount /afs/ root.cell -rw
- Allows you to explicitly access the read-write version of
replicated volumes by going through
Installing the initial AFS file server
Replicating root.afs and root.cell
- Adding a read-only copy of volumes on the server that contains the read-write
copy of the volume costs nothing
- If you add other file servers you will want to have read-only volumes replicated
on at least another machine
- In order to get to any volume, you need to be able to get to any volumes
above its mount-point
Installing the initial AFS file server
Replicating root.afs and root.cell
- /usr/pkg/sbin/vos addsite /vicepa root.cell
- /usr/pkg/sbin/vos addsite /vicepa root.afs
- /usr/pkg/sbin/vos release root.afs
- /usr/pkg/sbin/vos release root.cell
Other things
Having ssh get afs tokens on login
- While the OpenSSH that comes by default does not currently
support this, the OpenSSH in pkgsrc does
- Installing that and then adding the following to your
/usr/pkg/etc/ssh/sshd_config file will get you
afs tokens on login:
KerberosAuthentication yes
KerberosGetAFSToken yes
Other Considerations
- Adding a slave KDC
- Adding additional database or file servers
- Dealing with clients that expect to talk to a kaserver
Thanks to:
- The NetBSD, Heimdal, Arla and OpenAFS projects for producing
high-quality software
- Ty Sarna for presentation testing
Thomas would like to thank
- Stomping Grounds in Ames, IA, for providing free wireless access
and high-quality caffeine
Tracy would like to thank
- Thomas for producing the giant PDF file
NetBSD, Kerberos & AFS:
From Zero to Distributed Filesystem in N Easy Steps
Tracy Di Marco White
Thomas L. Kula
AFS & Kerberos Best Practices Workshop 2005
Next: About this document ...
AFS and Kerberos Best Practices Workshop 2005