Nick, Jason, Mike, Megan and Beth, waiting for a streetcar | Ontario Science Centre | OSC | OSC | A metalbeam thermometer |
thermometer | The Science Box! | Science Box! | Pin-hole camera | OSC Amateur Radio Station |
Banners outside of the station | Hipp Chronoscope | Chronoscope | Small rainforest in the OSC | Rainforest |
Rainforest | Tornado simulator in the OSC | Raccoons outside of the OSC | Raccoons | Raccoons |
The TTC guy tried to get people to get off the tracks so the streetcar could go by, but gave up | More France fans | The whole group, dinner at Mediterra | Dinner | Flaming Saganaki |
Saganaki | Mushrooms, red pepper and fettucini dish I had | Some sort of art in the Metro Centre near the PATH entrance |
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