CN Tower | CN Tower Base | CN Tower Top | Above, the line in, below, the gift shop | In the elevator going up |
Looking roughly north west | north west | Looking down, the tracks lead into Union Station off to the right | The right side is Union Station | Union Station |
Off to the south west, bits of Toronto Islands | If you squint a lot at the center of this picture, you can see Rochester, NY | More vague Rochester | Rogers Centre | Looking down north east side |
Sign | Sign | In the outside observation deck, visible is the airport on Toronto Island | Airport | Looking down the glass observation deck |
Looking down | Down | Down | Megan, Mike, Lou, Mark, Nick, Julie | Fake poutine: fries with gravy and what should be cheese curds |
Fake poutine | Some weird ice cream nuggets they sold | A fountain outside of of Rogers Centre | Fountain | The stairs to Casa Loma |
Stairs | North east corner of Casa Loma | Casa Loma, looking at the north west corner |
More north west corner | Library sign | Library | Conservatory sign | Conservatory |
Thermometer and hydrometer in conservatory | Fountain in conservatory | Dome ceiling in conservatory | Hallway on first floor | Oak Room sign |
Oak Room | Oak Room | Wine Cellar Sign | Sign | Sign |
Sign | Wine Cellar | Wine Cellar | Swimming pool sign | Swimming pool |
Pool | Secret stairs up from wine cellar to the study | Study | Study fireplace, on either side secret stairs | Stairs up |
Stairs up | Shower | Great Hall | Great Hall, in the bottom left is a replica of the Throne of England and the Stone of Scone | Someone's miliatary commission |
Commission | Garden area south of Casa Loma | If you've seen XMen 3, this should look familiar | Garden | Garden |
Fountain | Fountain | Fountain | Fountain | ASDIC operations |
Set of pipe organ pipes in Great Hall | Outside view of garden and fountain | In garden | In garden | In garden |
Garden | Garden | Garden | Garden | Fountain |
Path leading down to water lily area | Water lily pond | Pond | Ferns | Path |
Stairs | Throne closeup |
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